The Grainy Pack1 (set of 9 walls)
Tushar Verma
You’re just a few clicks away to make your device(s) background look good and productive in daily use.
My new Grainy textured wallpapers are ready to jump into your devices, offers 2.7K clarity.
You will be having 9 different wallpapers for your iPad/Mac/iPhone, This pack includes:
- Levels
- Night red
- Sand
- Plain purple
- Relax
- Breeze
- Lamp
- Dark splash
- Light splash
Although these walls are made for ipad screen-ratios but with a little adjustment they will look great on other devices too like your mac or iPhones.
Please feel free to get them for your devices as these are tried and tested product.
!!! Only for personal use !!!
1 download
I trust, a simple and clean looking wall is needed in order to distract less with your apps so that we feel the colours well.
Nicely fits to your ipad screen
9 unique styles
Grainy textured
Feels more premium and productive
Vibrant shades
Apply according to your mood
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